NCBA Webinars
NCBA's Producer Education team strives to help keep producers informed on industry technology, innovation and systems. We host webinars at least once every two months where expert speakers share their insight on specific topics prevalent to the beef industry. Occasionally, there will be multiple webinars a month in a mini series. You can watch any of our webinars on Cattlemen to Cattlemen YouTube page, under the Cattlemen's Webinar Series playlist. We would love to hear from you. If you have any suggestions for future webinars that you would like to see, email them to [email protected]. Check back here for descriptions and speaker biographies, which are updated often and early. Be sure to follow us on social media and get notified of all upcoming webinars. We will also post when past webinars are available on YouTube.
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Updated EID Tag Requirements for Disease Traceability
Thursday, September 5, 2024 at 6:00PM CST
In April 2024, USDA-APHIS issued a final rule updating their existing 2013 regulations on animal disease traceability (ADT). The updated rule will take effect on November 5, 2024. This update now requires ear tags to be used as official animal identification for the interstate movement of covered classes of cattle to be both visually and electronically readable. For more than a decade, NCBA has been at the forefront of this regulatory discussion, working to ensure that a nationally significant ADT system works for our producers, protects their data, operates at the speed of commerce, and strengthens our ability to respond to the growing threat of a foreign animal disease outbreak. Dr. Alex Turner, DVM, Director of the National Animal Disease Traceability and Veterinary Accreditation Center at USDA-APHIS Veterinary Services and Sigrid Johannes, NCBA Senior Director of Government Affairs will be leading the discussion.