The Federation of State Beef Councils represents the 43 Qualified State Beef Councils. Collectively, the QSBCs include more than 700 state board members and these board members represent a wide range of industry organizations and every segment of the beef industry. The Federation is a division of the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA), which is a contractor to the Beef Checkoff Program. The program is administered by the Cattlemen’s Beef Board, with oversight provided by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
• To build beef demand by inspiring, unifying and supporting an effective and coordinated state and national Checkoff partnership.
Statement of Beliefs
- We believe in the power of a strong state and national partnership resulting in increased consumer demand for beef.
- We believe in producer control of Checkoff funds through the Qualified State Beef Councils, which are the foundation of the Beef Checkoff.
- We believe greater knowledge about the Checkoff results in greater support for the Checkoff.
- We believe in the industry Long Range Plan as a guidepost for the Beef Checkoff and the principle of “one vision – one plan – one unified voice.”
State Beef Councils began to develop in 1954 and more than 30 existed before the Beef Checkoff became law in 1986 and received 79% producer approval during a 1988 referendum. Prior to the Beef Checkoff, producer dollars for national promotional efforts flowed primarily from the state level. Today, states continue to ground the program. It’s where the $1-per-head Checkoff assessment is collected, and where the decision-making process begins for this grassroots, producer-driven program that markets beef around the world.
The Federation began in 1963, and its home was further defined in the Beef Promotion and Research Order as the Beef Industry Council (BIC) of the National Live Stock and Meat Board (NLSMB), or any successor organization to the Beef Industry Council, which includes its state affiliates the Qualified State Beef Councils (QSBCs). In 1996 the industry recommended merging the BIC and the National Cattlemen’s Association to create efficiencies and develop one voice for the beef industry.
In keeping with a long history of pooling Checkoff dollars from QSBCs to promote beef “where the consumers are,” states invest in the Federation to enhance the national Checkoff and leverage producer dollars through a coordinated partnership.
In addition to benefitting from global marketing and research, QSBCs have access to a variety of shared services through NCBA’s Federation Division such as communications, governance, leadership development, creative services, website development and promotional materials.
The Federation Division works closely with QSBCs on a daily basis and provides training opportunities such as the annual Partnerships in Action conference, State Beef Council Director orientation, monthly program update webinars and producer education events.
Learn More
- Federation Charter of Principles
- Federation Through the Decades: Celebrating 60 Years of the Federation of State Beef Councils
- Watch a Video About the Value of the Federation